Our dentist and team are committed to delivering world-class dental care that meets your unique oral health needs. When you visit our practice, you can count on Dr. Pasquale Malpeso to take the time to understand your needs and smile goals before designing an individualized treatment plan for you. As a dual-specialty doctor with certifications in both periodontics and prosthodontics, Dr. Malpeso is uniquely qualified and experienced to provide you with treatments that will improve your oral health as well as your overall wellbeing.

We welcome you to call us today at 212-838-0090 to schedule your consultation and learn how advanced dentistry in New York, NY, can benefit you. We are pleased to welcome patients from New York as well as all over the world to our office, and you can always count on us to put your health, comfort and wellbeing first.

Our team is fluent in the languages of Russian and Spanish.

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Dental Restoration

Dental Restoration

Dental Restoration

Dental Bridges

Dental Crowns

Dental Fillings

Dental Inlays & Onlays


Full-Mouth Reconstruction

Dental Restoration

Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing and restoring teeth that are damaged, decayed or missing. This specialized field of dentistry aims to bring back your natural smile and prevent future oral health issues. Whether you need a simple filling or more complex procedures like bridges and implants, restorative dentistry is equipped to handle all your needs.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a highly effective solution for individuals missing one tooth or several consecutive teeth. As a fixed dental restoration, a bridge is securely anchored to the adjacent teeth or implants, providing a stable and enduring solution to tooth loss. The bridge comprises two main components: the dental crowns and the pontic, or artificial tooth. Custom-made crowns are placed on the teeth or implants on either side of the gap, serving as strong supports for the pontic, which fills the space of the missing tooth.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown, often referred to as a cap, is a highly effective solution for restoring a tooth that has suffered significant damage or decay. Custom-designed to cover the entire tooth from the gumline, crowns are pivotal in bringing a tooth back to its original form and functionality. Our practice offers a variety of crown materials, including gold, porcelain and porcelain fused to metal. Porcelain crowns are particularly favored for their ability to blend seamlessly with the natural color and texture of your teeth. Our experienced prosthodontist will guide you in selecting the most suitable material based on your specific dental needs and aesthetic preferences.

Dental Fillings

A dental filling is an effective treatment designed to repair minor to moderate tooth damage. When teeth are affected by decay (such as cavities) or have minor fractures or chips, fillings help restore their original structure and functionality. This not only enhances your dental health but also improves the appearance of your smile. There are two primary types of fillings: amalgam fillings and composite fillings.

Dental Inlays & Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are a sophisticated method of restoring teeth that have been damaged by decay or injury. These restorations are often recommended when the damage is too extensive for a simple filling but does not necessitate a full crown. Our skilled prosthodontist may recommend inlays and onlays to not only repair teeth but also to enhance the overall appearance and functionality of your smile.


If you have lost multiple teeth, Dr. Pasquale Malpeso may recommend dentures to replace them and restore your smile. Dentures are often an effective solution for those looking to restore their smile and oral functionality. Our prosthodontist offers two main types of dentures: complete dentures and partial dentures.

Full-Mouth Reconstruction

Full-mouth reconstruction is a comprehensive dental solution designed for individuals whose smiles have been compromised due to extensive dental issues. Whether your dental concerns stem from severe decay, injury or disease, this treatment approach aims to restore not only the aesthetics of your smile but also its functionality and overall health.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Implant Site Restoration

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Tooth Extractions

Dental Implants

Implant dentistry offers a modern solution for those seeking to replace missing teeth with options that both look and function similarly to natural teeth. By replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, you can not only regain a beautiful smile but also improve your oral health and function and enjoy the benefits of a healthy smile for years to come.

Implant Site Restoration

Implant site restoration is a critical preliminary step to ensure the successful placement of dental implants after tooth loss. Following tooth extraction, it is common for the jawbone to undergo a process known as resorption, where the bone tissue begins to deteriorate. This can complicate the placement of dental implants and may lead to cosmetic issues, such as a sunken facial appearance. To prevent these problems, Dr. Pasquale Malpeso may recommend implant site preservation.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy represents a pioneering advancement in regenerative medicine, particularly in the field of dentistry. This innovative treatment, increasingly adopted for dental implants, leverages the body's own healing mechanisms to enhance recovery and improve outcomes.

Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure that involves the removal of a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. While our dentist and team aim to preserve natural teeth whenever feasible, certain conditions may necessitate extraction to maintain or restore oral health.

Hygiene Wellness

Hygiene Wellness

Hygiene Wellness

Bruxism Treatment

Dry Mouth Treatment

Halitosis Treatment

Oral Cancer Screening

Sleep Apnea Treatment

TMJ Treatment

Hygiene Wellness

Maintaining good oral health is crucial not only for your smile but also for your overall wellness. At our practice, we prioritize your oral hygiene by offering comprehensive care during your visits. Equally important is the role you play in sustaining your dental health at home. From routine care to managing dry mouth and bad breath, Dr. Pasquale Malpeso and our team are here to help you enjoy better oral hygiene and wellness.

Bruxism Treatment

Bruxism is a condition characterized by the grinding and clenching of teeth. It is a fairly common condition, and while it can occur at any time is more frequent at night. This means that bruxism often goes unnoticed until significant dental damage occurs. Bruxism can impact not only your teeth but your overall wellbeing, making it crucial that you receive treatment for this condition as soon as possible.

Common signs of bruxism include:

  • Broken, chipped or excessively worn teeth
  • Damage to dental restorations, such as crowns or bridges
  • Jaw disorders, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunctions
  • Persistent headaches and migraines
  • Earaches or tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Muscle pain in the neck, shoulders and facial region
  • Indentations on the side of the tongue
  • Tired or tight feelings in the jaw, or pain in the jaw when waking up

Dry Mouth Treatment

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is a common condition that affects many people, particularly those who are aged 50 and older. This condition can stem from various causes such as medication side effects, certain illnesses, nerve damage and treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Dr. Pasquale Malpeso specializes in dry mouth treatments, and has developed a new lozenge to give patients instant relief from this condition. Dr. Malpeso also offers a variety of other solutions to meet your needs and rehydrate your mouth.

Saliva is crucial for maintaining oral health and overall wellbeing. It helps protect the teeth's enamel from harmful bacteria, aids in food digestion by breaking down particles, and facilitates essential functions like chewing and swallowing. A reduction in saliva production can significantly increase the risk of dental decay and impede nutrient absorption.

Halitosis Treatment

Halitosis, or bad breath, is a common condition that can affect your social interactions and self-confidence. Our skilled dentist and team are dedicated to helping you understand and effectively manage this condition. Understanding the underlying causes of halitosis is the first step toward fresh breath and improved oral health.

Bad breath may result from a variety of different factors including:

  • Poor Dental Hygiene: Not brushing or flossing regularly allows food particles to remain in the mouth, contributing to bad breath as they decompose.
  • Food Choices: Consuming foods like onions and garlic can leave lasting odors that are hard to eliminate.
  • Dry Mouth: Saliva helps cleanse the mouth; without it, microbial buildup can increase, leading to odor.
  • Gum Disease: Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth can be indicators of periodontal disease.
  • Tobacco Products: Smoking or chewing tobacco-based products can also cause severe bad breath.
  • Medical Conditions: Some systemic diseases, such as diabetes, liver or kidney disease, may be associated with bad breath.

Oral Cancer Screening

Dr. Pasquale Malpeso and our team prioritize your oral health and are committed to the early detection and treatment of oral cancer. Oral cancer can involve various parts of the mouth and throat, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, pharynx (throat), sinuses, and both the hard and soft palate. Early detection plays a critical role in the successful treatment of oral cancer, significantly improving outcomes. Unfortunately, many cases are not diagnosed until they reach an advanced stage, making treatment more challenging and less likely to succeed. For this reason, we provide oral cancer screenings in New York, NY.

Oral cancer screenings are an integral part of your regular dental exams, and our goal is to identify oral cancer at the earliest possible stage when it is most treatable. Common signs and symptoms of oral cancer that we check for include:

  • Persistent sore throat or the sensation that something is caught at the back of the throat.
  • Unexplained bleeding in the mouth.
  • Non-healing sores on the face, neck or mouth that bleed easily and last more than two weeks.
  • Unexplained numbness, pain or loss of sensation in the face, neck or mouth.
  • Ear pain without loss of hearing.
  • Lumps, bumps or rough spots on the gums, lips or inside the mouth.
  • Red, white or speckled patches in the mouth.
  • Difficulty in chewing, speaking or swallowing.
  • Changes in how teeth or dentures fit together.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing throughout the night. This condition not only disrupts sleep quality but also poses significant health risks if left untreated. Obstructive sleep apnea, the most prevalent form, occurs when muscles in the throat relax excessively, leading to blocked airways. Risk factors include obesity, aging and anatomical variations in the throat and nasal passages.

Diagnosing sleep apnea requires a comprehensive evaluation by a sleep specialist, who may recommend a sleep study. After you are diagnosed, our dentist and team will work closely with you and your physician to thoroughly assess your condition and develop a treatment plan that meets your needs.

Common symptoms of sleep apnea include:

  • Severe daytime fatigue
  • Loud snoring
  • Waking with a gasping or choking sensation
  • Morning headaches
  • Personality changes and irritability
  • Difficulty staying asleep

TMJ Treatment

The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, plays a crucial role as the hinge connecting your jaw to the skull. Misalignment, stress or injury to this joint can lead to temporomandibular disorder (TMD), a condition that may cause significant discomfort and impairment. Factors such as stress, teeth grinding (bruxism), arthritis or direct trauma to the jaw and surrounding areas often trigger TMD. Recognizing the symptoms early can lead to more effective management of the condition.

Symptoms of TMD include:

  • Persistent pain in the jaw and facial area
  • Sounds of grinding, clicking or popping in the jaw when opening or closing the mouth
  • Difficulty in opening the mouth widely, which affects normal activities like speaking, yawning or chewing
  • Jaw locking in an open or closed position
  • Discomfort while chewing or biting
  • Pain radiating to the neck, shoulders and ears
  • Frequent headaches that seem to originate from the jaw area




Antibiotic Therapy

Bone Grafting

Crown Lengthening

Full-Mouth Debridement

Gingival Flap Surgery

Laser Pocket Disinfection (LPD)

Periodontal Maintenance

Osseous Surgery

Periodontal Surgery

Pinhole® Surgical Technique

Scaling & Root Planing

Soft Tissue Grafting


Periodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry dedicated to the care and treatment of the gums and surrounding structures of the teeth. Dr. Pasquale Malpeso is committed to providing comprehensive periodontal care, ensuring that each patient receives personalized attention for maintaining or restoring gum health.

Antibiotic Therapy

Our periodontist may recommend antibiotic therapy as an effective approach to combat gum disease and facilitate the restoration of your oral health. This type of treatment, often referred to as antimicrobial therapy, is frequently employed as an effective treatment option for managing periodontal disease. Depending on the severity and specific needs of your case, it can be utilized either as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other types of care.

Bone Grafting

During a bone graft, bone tissue is transplanted to the jawbone. This graft may come from another part of your jaw or body, which often provides the most successful outcomes. However, alternatives exist, including synthetic bone materials or bone from a tissue bank, depending on individual needs and compatibility.

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening involves the careful removal of a minimal amount of gum tissue — and sometimes bone — from around the teeth. This procedure is typically completed in a single visit to our office, making it a convenient solution for improving tooth appearance and function. Our periodontist will provide you with local anesthesia to ensure your comfort, and will plan your procedure carefully to ensure that it is as precise, minimally invasive and comfortable as possible. Our team will also provide you with post-op care instructions to help you recover and return to your regular activities as soon as possible.

Full-Mouth Debridement

Our periodontist and team understand the importance of maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Regular visits to Dr. Pasquale Malpeso are crucial for preventing the buildup of plaque and tartar, which can lead to serious dental issues. However, if it has been a while since your last dental cleaning, you might need more than a standard cleaning. In such cases, we may recommend a full-mouth debridement.

Gingival Flap Surgery

Gingival flap surgery, often referred to as gingivectomy, pocket reduction or simply as flap surgery, is a precise periodontal procedure aimed at combating gum disease — a condition that affects the gums and bone structure supporting the teeth. This surgical intervention is essential for patients with moderate to severe periodontal disease when nonsurgical treatments like scaling and root planing have not been enough to manage the disease.

Laser Pocket Disinfection (LPD)

Laser pocket disinfection is a cutting-edge procedure for gum disease, offering a non-invasive method to help fight the disease and improve your oral health. This technique employs advanced dental lasers to target and eradicate bacteria deep within the gum pockets, the spaces that form between the teeth and gums in the advanced stages of gum disease.

Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is a persistent inflammatory condition that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth. It is primarily caused by the accumulation of plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to significant oral health issues, including the loss of teeth, gum tissue and bone. However, while gum disease is not curable, it is manageable with proper care and routine periodontal maintenance.

Osseous Surgery

Osseous surgery is a specialized procedure which our periodontist may recommend if you are suffering from advanced periodontal disease. This surgical treatment is aimed at addressing the destructive effects of periodontitis, particularly when traditional periodontal therapies, such as scaling and root planing, have not sufficiently reduced the depth of the periodontal pockets that form between your teeth and gums.

Periodontal Surgery

Periodontal disease, often termed gum disease, affects not only the gums but also the underlying bone structure and can lead to the loosening or discomfort of teeth. In advanced stages, periodontal surgery becomes a necessary intervention to halt the progression of the disease and restore oral health. Dr. Pasquale Malpeso offers a range of surgical treatments tailored to address the specific needs of your condition and improve your oral and overall health.

Pinhole® Surgical Technique

The Pinhole® Surgical Technique (PST) offers a minimally invasive option for treating gum recession, a common issue that can compromise the aesthetics and health of your smile. At our practice, we prioritize innovative treatments that provide effective results with minimal discomfort, and the Pinhole Surgical Technique is a perfect example of our commitment to advanced dental care.

Scaling & Root Planing

After you are diagnosed with gum disease, one of the first treatments our periodontist may recommend is scaling and root planing. This treatment is essential to preventing your disease from escalating and causing more serious dental health issues.

Soft Tissue Grafting

Soft tissue grafting, also known as gum grafting, is designed to help improve gum health and aesthetics. Dr. Pasquale Malpeso typically recommends soft tissue grafting for patients experiencing gum recession, where the gum tissue gradually pulls away from the teeth, exposing more of the tooth or the tooth's root. Exposure of the tooth roots can lead to significant dental issues, including sensitivity, increased risk of decay and tooth loss. By restoring the integrity of the gum line, soft tissue grafting not only enhances the appearance of your smile but also plays a vital role in maintaining dental health.





Invisalign® clear aligners are a comfortable, discreet and highly effective choice for those seeking to enhance their smile with minimal disruption to their appearance. Unlike traditional braces that use metal brackets and wires to align your teeth and smile, Invisalign orthodontics employs a series of clear, custom-made aligners developed through advanced 3D computer-imaging technology. These aligners are designed from smooth, BPA-free plastic that fits snugly over your teeth, combining effective treatment with superior comfort.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Composite Dental Bonding

Dental Veneers & Laminates


Smile Makeover

Teeth Whitening

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses a broad range of dental treatments aimed at enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your smile. This branch of dental care is dedicated to improving the overall appearance of your teeth, gums and bite, focusing primarily on color, position, shape, size, alignment and overall smile appearance. Whether your dental concerns involve discoloration, misalignment or even missing teeth, cosmetic dentistry offers solutions tailored to meet your individual needs, thereby boosting your self-esteem and empowering you to smile with confidence.

Composite Dental Bonding

Composite dental bonding is a versatile and minimally invasive cosmetic dental procedure designed to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. This method of smile enhancement involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin to the surface of the teeth to correct various imperfections. The resin is soft and pliable upon application, allowing our dentist to meticulously mold and shape it to the contours of your tooth, effectively concealing flaws such as chips, cracks or gaps. Once the desired shape is achieved, the resin is hardened under a special light, then trimmed and polished to blend seamlessly with the natural tooth, creating a smooth and improved appearance.

Dental Veneers & Laminates

Dental veneers and laminates stand at the forefront of cosmetic dentistry, offering a transformative solution for those seeking to perfect their smiles. These custom-made, ultra-thin coverings are meticulously crafted from porcelain or resin composite materials and are securely adhered to the front surface of the teeth. Their primary purpose is to mask a variety of dental imperfections, providing a significantly improved aesthetic appearance.


Lumineers® represent a breakthrough in the field of cosmetic dentistry, offering a less invasive alternative to traditional dental veneers. Unlike conventional veneers that require significant removal of the tooth structure to fit properly, Lumineers are ultra-thin and can be applied directly over your existing teeth without the need for grinding or shaving. This key difference not only preserves the integrity of your natural teeth but also simplifies the application process, making it less daunting for patients.

Smile Makeover

A smile makeover is a comprehensive, and highly individualized approach to enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your smile. Our dentist may recommend a smile makeover if you require multiple treatments to redesign and restore your oral health and smile. By choosing a smile makeover, you can improve not only the visual aspects of your smile but also to address functional and structural dental issues.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a popular and efficient way to enhance the appearance of your smile. This cosmetic dental procedure can lead to remarkable improvements in the brightness of your smile with just a single session. At our practice, we use the Zoom and GLO whitening systems to break up stains and discolorations, brightening and renewing your smile. Employing a potent, yet gentle, whitening gel, this treatment targets the stains and discoloration that affect the enamel of your teeth.

About Us

Dr. Pasquale Malpeso has provided world-class care for over 35 years. His advanced training as both a periodontist and a prosthodontist, combined with years of experience, allows him to provide the highest quality of dental and facial aesthetic services in New York, NY. Call and make your appointment today!

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We maintain flexible hours to accommodate your schedule, and welcome you to contact us to schedule a time to meet with Dr. Malpeso and learn how he can help you improve your smile, appearance and quality of life. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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